” A particular ability that you develop through training and experience”

In today’s changing world, it is so hard to keep up with the latest trends and technology.
Our technical reviews are based around Metal Detecting and everything associated with the great outdoors, such as clothing, cameras, transport, research, and indeed the best metal detectors and tools.

Not only do we help you find the outdoor tech you’ll love, we’re passionate about telling you how to use it and how to make it work better with simple and clear instructions, either by Blog or video.

As they say knowledge is everything

Honesty and Integrity:
Integrity is the foundation of our reputation.
We are committed to giving the latest information and top tips to the best of our knowledge.

We do things better:
We will never stop striving to improve and create better content, with better testing and better values as a business.

Our reviews:
We spend quality time using each product to determine how well it works for its target market.

Stay informed & stay ahead with the Skill School reviews

The skill school is the new Gary’s Detecting which has been at the service of many metal detector enthusiasts for over 25 years.
Our audience rely on our in depth reviews for information written in laymen terms, and it’s our mission to deliver an accurate analysis that is fair, accurate and honest

About Garys Detecting
Gary’s Detecting was launched in 1998, when the internet was opening up a worldwide community of metal detecting enthusiasts came together to follow the industry’s latest developments online.

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